Monday, August 10, 2009

Time For Roses To Emerge

By Keith Markensen

May links spring with summer; the differences in growing conditions that marked the earlier days of spring are now leveling off. The sowing and planting of hardy plants are now merging with those that are more tender.

May is also a big planting out month, from coldframe, greenhouse and hotbed. Plants that have been conditioning are now ready to be planted outside. But exercise care, for May is capricious. The weather should be thoroughly settled before any full scale planting is done. Late spring frosts can be expected until late May in Central and Northern New York. June frosts are not uncommon in Northern Maine, except in the coastal areas. Late spring frosts also occur in Northern Ohio, Indiana and Michigan, except along the Great Lakes, where the temperatures are more moderate.

If roses or other shrubs must still be put in, cut back their tops drastically, the roses to two eyes or growth buds. Cut back the roots slightly to encourage the growth of feeder roots. After planting, cover the roses with peatmoss or soil to keep the stems from drying out. The growing buds will emerge through the covering.

Perennials can still be planted, but only out of pots or, if spring comes late in your section, from nursery rows. It is too late for splitting up old clumps of perennials.

Tender vegetables and annuals may be sown from the middle to the end of the month.

The annuals that are musts in any garden or patio planting include zinnias, torenias, cos- mos, cockscomb, marigolds, verbenas and ageratum. If you are interested in having bouquets of everlastings next winter, sow strawflowers, annual gypsophila, acroclinium, ammobium, gomphrena, rhodanthe, Statice sinuczta, S. Suworowi, cloud grass and immortelle. They can also be a great garden patio designs.These are easy to grow and will last all winter if cut and dried at the proper time.

Vegetables, including the more tender kinds, can be sown now. In addition to corn, snap beans and limas, plant some of the vine crops such as squash, melons and cucumbers.

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