Friday, October 16, 2009

What The Heck Is Feng Shui

By Adrian McCluskey

It sounds like the latest Oriental dish, but feng shui is actually a method of organization and design that brings harmony and peace to your home or office. Read on to learn exactly what these two words mean and how you can benefit from them.

Feng shui first appeared in China approximately 3, 000 years ago. The theories behind feng shui are complicated and we in the west like to simplify things which is fine in this case as you dont need to completely understand it to know it works. Simply put feng shui centers around chi or energy that surrounds all live things.

In literal translation, feng shui means wind and water. In China, these concepts are both associated with good health and prosperity. Use the basic principles of feng shui to ensure good chi flowing through your home or office.

Every room in your home has its own energy flow. In order to create a positive feel to a room, energy must be able to flow freely throughout the space. Would you have guessed that your bathroom has an energy flow? It contains many different things but by following the ideologies of feng shui, we see that even the lowly bathroom has the ability to place a serene calm on members of your family.

Feng shui enthusiasts use two basic tools to get started. Just as you might use a compass to find your way in the wilderness, feng shui has compass or lopan to guide you in the correct direction. The lopan allows you a greater sense of what should be where in your room to allow the chi to flow unrestrained.

Each of the areas of your home has a different feng shui need. The compass helps to define what colors and feng shui elements need to be represented within each room. It also takes into account which element governs the lives of each person in the house.

The compass looks similar to a compass you would use while hiking. There is a compass needle in the center. The compass itself consists of several concentric circles that guide the practitioner to give you a layout of what your home needs in order to be whole again.

The other tool is the bagua. It is the energy map of the house. Using a blueprint drawing of your home, you can map out the eight areas of the energy map: South, Southeast, North, Northwest, East, Northeast, West and Southwest. Each section of the home has a governing element, color and purpose in your life.

Feng shui theory says that you can affect the energy around you simply by creating a space that is favorable to your life. This involves knowing the five feng shui elements, feng shui colors and how the energy moves throughout each room in your home.

Next time I'll get into that.

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